Speaking Engagements & Videos

Highlighted Speaking Engagements

  • “Mirrors, Windows, and Doors: Supporting Diversity and Inclusion with Storybooks”

    CAAEYC Annual Conference | April 2021

  • “The Magic of Storytime: Techniques to Engage Young Children in the Wonder of Books”

    California Kindergarten Teachers’ Association, Virtual PD Series | August 2020

  • “Meaningful Interactions, the Story of Tandem”

    Full Circle Fund UNITE, San Francisco, CA | October 2019

  • “The Neurobiology of Storytelling”

    Oakland Early Learning Symposium, Oakland, CA | October 2019

  • "Coaching Your Team: A Strengths-based Method for Giving Critical Feedback"

    Surge Alumni Convening, New Orleans, LA | March 2019

  • "Early Language and the Growing Brain"

    Google Tech Talks, Google Campus, Mountain View, CA | August 2017

  • Panelist on "Stories for All: Authors and Educators in Conversation About Diversity, Representation, and Storytelling for All Children"

    Bay Area Book Festival, Berkeley, CA | June 2016

Videos of Previous Work


Closing the Opportunity Gap: Early Childhood Education and Literacy | Full Circle Fund Unite Event

Using Books to Engage Young Children in Talk about Race & Justice | Embrace Race Webinar


The Magic of Storytime: Engaging Children in Literacy Through the Wonder of Books | Webinar for First 5 Alameda County

Author Panel: Black Voices in Children’s Literature | Sara moderated this panel for Tandem, Partners in Early Learning - watch video here

Looking for a keynote speaker or panel facilitator? Reach out today.