
About Sara Rizik-Baer

Sara Rizik-Baer is an equity-minded curriculum, training, and literacy professional with almost two decades of demonstrated achievements creating and implementing programs for the EdTech, school-based and non-profit sectors.

Beginning her career as a bilingual educator in East Oakland, California, Sara specializes in literacy, early education, instructional coaching, and curriculum design. Sara has served as a bilingual literacy coach for preschool and TK teachers through SEEDS, a national early literacy program, and most recently, as the Director of Curriculum and Learning at Tandem, Partners in Early Learning.

Currently Sara works as an independent consultant supporting education organizations to deliver high quality professional development and coaching for their staff, improve their quality of services for families, and design engaging curriculum that serves a variety of audiences. Sara holds a Master's of Language and Literacy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a BA in Comparative Literature and Spanish from Oberlin College.

When Sara is not writing curriculum, coaching, or training she is exploring the outdoors, hiking and camping her way through the mountains and coasts of California.

Sara believes in the power of children’s books to foster critical thinking and the life-long pursuit of knowledge. As a child of immigrant families of Dominican and German-Jewish descent, she is a fierce advocate for increased diversity of children’s books that offer children the opportunity to see themselves and their lived experience represented accurately, while providing an opportunity to gain insight into the lives of others.

A love of reading was instilled in Sara at an early age. Fond memories of reading with her family each night planted the literacy seeds that grew into her profession today.

Sara is passionate about making sure every literacy experience is joyful and engaging for educators, families, and children alike.